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FERC's intention with Ambient Adjusted Ratings is to increase grid capacity. However, a gain in capacity is not always guaranteed. Utilities have been optimizing their grids for decades and may have been knowingly using optimistic assumptions in the past. Dynamic Line Ratings are a more customized solution, helping increase capacity and maintain safety.

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Georg Rute, CEO
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Just like the proverbial chain an entire transmission line can be limited by its weakest link. But identifying the weakest link is not trivial, since it depends on the weather. Dynamic Line Rating solutions must account with the wind in each span individually.

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Georg Rute, CEO
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The cost of grid congestion in Texas in 2022 was $3 billion. But much of this congestion is artificial and comes from outdated line rating methods. Dynamic Line Ratings increase capacity by a third on average, helping bring down energy prices for consumers. But as the example of a power line near San Antonio shows, there are also many hours in a year when line ratings should be reduced for safety reasons.

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Georg Rute, CEO
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Safety is the number one concern for all transmission service providers. Unfortunately accidents do happen despite the best efforts to prevent them. One of the factors that contributes to accidents is the fact that transmission lines may dangerously overheat on hot, sunny, windless days. Accurate wind forecasting helps reduce this risk.

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Georg Rute, CEO
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We validated our prediction accuracy against measurements from Estonia's official weather stations. Grid Raven's machine learning model improves wind speed forecast accuracy by 39% compared to the existing forecast. Higher accuracy leads to increased safety and efficiency in Dynamic Line Rating applications.

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Georg Rute, CEO
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